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The Treatment Room


Reiki principles

Just for today, I will not worry

Just for today, I will not be angry

Just for today, I will be grateful

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45 years around the sun, I have experienced my Saturn return and many dark nights of the soul.


People always ask me, when did you experience your awakening?

Thinking about it.. I have experienced many awakenings, each time a bigger and a more profound experience, and I have no doubt many more to come. As I believe we never stop growing and awakening until the day we leave this world. My mid life awakening has been my biggest yet. A huge catalyst not only to change but the biggest death and rebith cycle. The journey with The Dark Goddess is no easy feat. 


My awakenings have made me deep dive into lots of core wounds and self limiting beliefs especially ones women are faced with due to years of repression and living in a masculine driven world. We have forgotten how to honour the balance of energies of divine feminine and divine masculine, which is essential to live in a world where there is balance, just as our bodies need this equal balance to thrive.


Ever since I was a little girl I have been aware of my guides, the angelic realm and energy healing. My Great grandmother was a healer and medium and I believe she passed forward these special gifts to me.


As many I pushed my intuitive gifts to the side whilst going through my human experience as a young adult and it was only when I knew I needed to start healing myself did I open back up to this world of spirituality and a higher consciousness.


Throughout my healing journey I have worked with many talented people and experienced many different healing modalities, from Breathwork, Sound healing, Plant medicine, Reiki, Crystal healing, Quantum healing, Past life regression, Hypnosis, Shamanic journeying and many more. Each modality opened me up a little more and created some profound healing and realizations about myself and allowing me to connect more deeply with my higher self and my shadow self.


As an empath I am very sensitive to energy, I have always had the natural ability to feel what other people and animals are feeling and tune into their energy field very easily.


I started working properly with my own energy around the age of 16 when I needed to heal myself from a trauma I had experienced It was a huge comfort to me at the time and really helped me get through a tough period in my life. At the time I didn’t know this was Reiki and that I was using this life force energy which is spiritual energy to heal, balance and harmonize all aspects of the person – mind, body, emotions and spirit.


It wasn’t until much later in my life that I qualified to become a Reiki teacher / Practitioner.


Throughout my life it has become clear to me that my soul purpose and mission is to bring knowledge about healing to others to help them understand they can heal themselves and that we are more powerful than we believe to be, and that the challenges we go through in life ultimately become our jewels and our gifts to help others, and show them the way forward.


I am a huge believer and advocate of energy work. How we store trauma and emotions in our bodies, and how if these energies are not released they can or will become physical or mental concerns in our lives going forward. our bodies hold so much wisdom, all we have to do is listen carefully to what they are tying to tell us, rather than mask each concern with some type of medication.


All holistic systems I practice as treatments at The Treatment Room are all for balancing, healing and harmonizing all aspects of the person, body, mind, emotions and spirit. To encourages personal and spiritual growth, which after all that what we are put on planet earth for.


When I work with clients I call through their guides and higher self to assist with the healing that is needed, while I hold sacred space. I am an intuitive healer and I work with my Spirit Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters.


I work with Rose Reiki which is the Rose healing energy ray held by the divine feminine goddess. Usui Reiki energy healing which is the treatment for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual concerns. Reflexology, Crystal healing,  Breathwork, Cacao Ceremonies and Flower essences and Hatha / Yin Yoga.


More information about each of these healing modalities I offer are explained in each category in the menu pages box.


If your feeling the call for energy/ Body work, this could be for lots of different reasons as we all go through so many different cycles and experiences in our lives that cause us difficulties.


Please get in contact to discuss further how we can work together to help you move forward and become more aligned with your higher self.


Lesley Anne


" Every journey begins with just a single step"

Lao Tzu

My Mission


My mission is to help women get back in touch with their authentic self to reconnect with their soul and understand its guidance to be able live fully from the heart.





Rose Reiki Practitioner / Master

Usui first / Second Degree

Crystal Healing Diploma


Swedish Massage

Spiritual Life Coaching Diploma

Astrology Diploma

Tarot Diploma

Akashic Records Practitioner

Connecting with Spirit Guides Diploma

Meditation Diploma

Yoga Foundation Diploma

Goddess Connecting Diploma

Flower Essences and Vibrational Practitioner

Bach Flowers Essences Practitioner (The Bach Centre Oxfordshire)

Cacao Facilitator and Practitioner

Breathwork Facilitator Level 1

Hypnotherapy (The National Hypnotherapy society)

Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy (The National Hypnotherapy Society)

200 Hour Hatha Yoga TT ( Yoga Alliance Professionals) 

50 Yin Yoga TT  ( Yoga Alliance Professionals)

200 Hour Vinyasa TT (Yoga Alliance Professionals)

Recovery Coach Basics Training (CCAR )

Trauma Informed Yoga TT 

50 Hour Menopause Yoga TT (Petra Covey)

Level 4 Psychotherapeutic Counselling (The National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society)

Gestalt Therapy Diploma 

Menopause Wellness Coach Diploma

Trauma and The Brain Recovery (Mindbody Breakthrough)


Currently Studying

Level 5 Psychotherapeutic Counselling  (The National Counselling and psychotherapy Society)

Jungian Psychotherapy Diploma level 7 

Yoga Therapy Diploma With Orange Yoga Cheltenham 

Diploma in Eating Disorders - Iron Mill College Exeter (The National couselling and Psychotherapy Society)



All Certifications are available to be seen at The Treatment Room if requested




"We cant change the direction of the wind,

but we can adjust our sails!"


Reflexology is based on an ancient form of therapy practiced in china and Egypt as long ago as 2330 B.C.


A system of massage used to relieve tension and treat illness, based on the theory that there are reflex points on the feet, hands and head linked to every part of the body.


The benefits include its ability to stimulate nerve function, increased energy, boost circulation, induce sleep and a deep sense of relaxation, and eliminate toxins from the body.

Reiki is a Japanese word meaning universal life force.


Reiki is an ancient and completely natural non invasive process of healing using universal energy to balance and harmonizes the client, not only on a physical level helping to relieve pain and regenerate organs and tissues.


Reiki also loosens blocked energy caused by stress, promoting total relaxation and healing experience for both mind and body suitable for all ages.


Spray Tanning

A beauty treatment in which the body is sprayed with a product that reacts with the skin to produce an artificial tan.


Spray tanning is one of the most efficient ways to get the bronzed glow, without the harmful effects of UV sun exposure, which causes premature ageing.

Gel colour nails

OPI and bio sculpture are painted over the natural nails to give a clean, perfectly polished look.


A base coat, colour and top coat are cured under UV light


Reflexology is based on an ancient form of therapy practiced in china and Egypt as long ago as 2330 B.C.


A system of massage used to relieve tension and treat illness, based on the theory that there are reflex points on the feet, hands and head linked to every part of the body.


The benefits include its ability to stimulate nerve function, increased energy, boost circulation, induce sleep and a deep sense of relaxation, and eliminate toxins from the body.

Reiki is a Japanese word meaning universal life force.


Reiki is an ancient and completely natural non invasive process of healing using universal energy to balance and harmonizes the client, not only on a physical level helping to relieve pain and regenerate organs and tissues.


Reiki also loosens blocked energy caused by stress, promoting total relaxation and healing experience for both mind and body suitable for all ages.


Spray Tanning

A beauty treatment in which the body is sprayed with a product that reacts with the skin to produce an artificial tan.


Spray tanning is one of the most efficient ways to get the bronzed glow, without the harmful effects of UV sun exposure, which causes premature ageing.

Gel colour nails

OPI and bio sculpture are painted over the natural nails to give a clean, perfectly polished look.


A base coat, colour and top coat are cured under UV light


Reflexology is based on an ancient form of therapy practiced in china and Egypt as long ago as 2330 B.C.


A system of massage used to relieve tension and treat illness, based on the theory that there are reflex points on the feet, hands and head linked to every part of the body.


The benefits include its ability to stimulate nerve function, increased energy, boost circulation, induce sleep and a deep sense of relaxation, and eliminate toxins from the body.

Reiki is a Japanese word meaning universal life force.


Reiki is an ancient and completely natural non invasive process of healing using universal energy to balance and harmonizes the client, not only on a physical level helping to relieve pain and regenerate organs and tissues.


Reiki also loosens blocked energy caused by stress, promoting total relaxation and healing experience for both mind and body suitable for all ages.


Crystal Healing

Crystal healing is a holistic and natural therapy that taps into the energetic power of crystals and how they effect the body and mind.


Crystals are placed on and around a client to help unblock, focus and direct energy.


Crystal healing is an energy based system. 

We are all made up of different energies and that when this becomes stagnant, unbalanced or blocked, it can cause illness.


Crystals help unblock, balance and direct energy where it is most needed, gently supporting the body to heal in a therapeutic way.




Cacao Ceremony Healing

Pure Ceremonial Cacao originating all the way back to Mayan, and Aztec traditions in central and south America, used for spiritual, medicinal purposes for inner awakening and creative guidance.


Pure Cacao is used as a heart opening medicine for people to safely experience awakening, revelation and inner healing.


Cacao is used in a scared medicinal ritual, where intensions are set and once consumed, euphoric states are unlocked, negative emotions are released and we are able to connect to ourselves and the loving energy in our body.


A heart opening journey of oneness, love and healing, releasing blocks, recognizing patterns, following your heart. Finding a connection to your highest self, your own power and truth


The Treatment Room
Holistic healing space

The Treatment Room is located in a beautiful Victorian building in the English town of Clevedon, North Somerset.


Come and relax in this private location, taking time out for yourself to restore your body, mind, soul and spirit. 


This space is set up each time uniquely for each client depending on the treatment being offered at that time.


I offer personalized one to one treatments tailor made to meet your specific wants and needs.


Appointment only.




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Victoria Road


BS21 7RU




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