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Rose Reiki The Divine Feminine Healing Ray

 Rose Reiki Healing Ray is a beautiful way to experience as part your healing journey. The Rose is the essence of the divine feminine.


This healing energy is especially good for self love, Inner beauty, Self esteem, Womb healing, radiance, basically for everything feminine. The Rose healing ray is held by the divine feminine Goddesses. Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Isis, Kuan Yin and Aphrodite. This ray is associated to all the divine feminine of the the great sisterhood of light.


The Rose Reiki ray holds the light for emotional healing, self love, self worth, deep inner beauty, grace, sensuality, femininity and empowerment through softness and gentleness.


When connecting to the healing ray of rose reiki I sometimes also receive guidance and messages from spirit. This isn't something that I can guarantee as I am not a medium but if spirit choose to work with me while I am completing your healing treatment I always pass on their messages to you if you consent. 


The Maiden - 30 Minute Healing


The Maiden is an ideal treatment either for someone who has not had Reiki before and wants to experience this an initial taster session or for someone who needs a instant boost healing session or some time out for themselves.


Tourmaline crystals are used to ground your energy and physical body down into the earth, White sage or Palo Santo to smudge your aura and clear before we start the Reiki treatment.


Selenite wands are used for smoothing and clearing your aura after the treatment has finished.


I will be working on the front of your body, although Reiki does work as a whole and go through to the back of the body. The healing will go where it is needed. I may be guided to work on certain areas of chakra points for longer if required.


The Maiden treatment will bring your body back into its natural state, by unblocking any blockages and calming down any overactive chakras.


You will feel deep relaxation, calm, balanced and more in tune with your higher self.


A practice of self-love, to give yourself some time to slow down and allow yourself that space and time for just you.


Energy Investment £33


The High Priestess - 60 Minute Healing 


For when you want to go deeper with your healing giving yourself that extra layer of self-awareness and time to explore more.


The Reiki is done on both sides of the body, front and back for more precision and working deeper with the chakras.


Within this session Tourmaline crystals are used to ground your energy and physical body down into the earth, White sage or Palo Santo to smudge your aura and clear before we start the Reiki treatment


Selenite wands are used for smoothing and clearing your aura after the treatment has finished.


Will promote deep relaxation, deeper healing and align all your chakras to be working in harmony with your body.




Energy Investment £55


Take time 

To Cleanse

To Heal

To Renew

To Grow

To Become

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