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Flower Remedies for deep Inner Healing


My inspiration behind creating these key deep healing Flower Remedies has been the inner work I have been passionate about diving deep into over the last seven years.


I want to bring more awareness to these core wounds we carry and how they effect our everyday lives without even knowing.

And with doing the work we can heal these wounds and move on with our lives in making positive changes. 


These special blended flower remedies are to assist in helping you through these key stages of healing and work on a deep emotional level. 


The Mother Wound Healing Remedy

The Father Wound Healing Remedy

The Abandonment Wound Healing Remedy

Inner Child Healing Remedy

Shadow Work Healing Remedy

Heart and Yoni Healing Remedy

The Dark Goddess Journey Remedy - Coming Soon

The Queen Remedy - Coming Soon

The Crone Remedy - Coming Soon

Menopause Remedy - Coming Soon 


This is where we need to look to help us move forward in our lives and our emotional, physical, spiritual and mental health.


Flower therapy allows us to work with the soul of the flower on a vibrational and psychic level.

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Inner Child Healing Remedy


Inner child healing Remedy helps us develop more positive personality balanced emotions and greater spiritual connection as well as creating powerful soul growth.


By healing our Inner child, we begin to create the safety and security our younger selves have always needed. by doing so, the positive traits of our inner child have room to shine. we unlock our natural gifts, our inner curiosity, and our limitless capacity to love.


The specially selected blend encompasses seven different flower essences that work together for deep healing of the inner child.


Water Violet - Has deep healing benefits for the sensitive soul who maybe keeps a lot to themselves. This essences helps to increase confidence and restore inner zeal. Allows you to feel oneness with everything without disturbing solace. makes you more open


Star of Bethlehem - For treatment of unprocessed or unresolved Trauma, Giving you the ability to let things go. Is a great mind altering essence for a deep far reaching process of awakening the consciousness.


Honeysuckle - Helps you let go of the past. It awakens an interest in the present and in current reality. Allows persistent memories to fade away.


Cerato - Assists in underdeveloped self confidence, Insecurity, Improves the relationship with your inner voice and allows trust in your own opinion.


Holly - The ultimate love flower essences for self love and to help you move forward with love for others. this essences allows you to tune into and heal your heart chakra on such a deep inner level. Holly helps us let go of past hurts and negative emotions allows us to love ourselves and transforms our emotions of hate to love. Stops you being your own worst enemy.


Fuchsia - Works by releasing pent up emotions from the heart chakra. Allows you to move on and forgive.

gives you courage to seek out clarity and tap into your higher power. Fuchsia also balances your inner chi energy this includes your masculine and feminine and logical and creative allowing balance

Each bottle should last around a month if taken correctly four drops four times a day for maximum benefits.


Comes with homecare and aftercare information leaflets.


To order your bottle (free postage to all UK addresses)

Energy Investment £33

Payable through PayPal

or Bank transfer please message me for bank details.

What's App - 07538029364


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Heart and Yoni Remedy

The heart and yoni blend, the heart and the womb space as so connected when one shuts down so does the other.
As women we absorb so much though our sexual centre's, without even realizing it as an unconscious flow of energy. If we hold blockages in our lower chakras as a result of storing dense energies such as fear, shame, guilt, abuse, around sexuality, we cannot fully transmute energy that flows to the heart 💜

Every time you have a painful experience and you choose not to feel a certain emotion you develop armour around your heart and your sexual organs. This armour serves to protect you from feeling pain, but it also shuts down your ability to feel pleasure, excitement, joy and to be able to manifested into your life as powerfully as you would be able to without these blocks.

These blocks result in all sorts of physical, emotional and energetic symptoms such as blocked sexual and creative energy, frustration, depression, bloating, fear of intimacy and abandonment, low self worth, unworthy feelings just to name a few. This beautiful healing flower remedy will help create new energetic vibrations in your body to clear out those trapped emotions.


Agrimony - Helps when we suffer from love but try to keep it hidden, which only strengthens the suffering and prevents a resolution. This flower helps us express ourselves, lighten our load and find a way to solve our problems. It awakens the desire for more honesty with ourselves. Resolves anxiety and tension, sleep disorders or inner restlessness.


White Chestnut - When we are consumed with our love problems and cant seem to concentrate on anything else, this beautiful flower allows us to clear our mind and spirit. 

Allows the mind to discriminate between thoughts that should be accepted and those that should not. Allows you to let go of things that not longer serve you.


Gorse - helps when we have lost hope and feel negative or pessimism. sometimes we can also be in self denial. This essence assists us by promoting positive change. It braces us against loss and disappointments and helps us restore our positive, sensible attitude. Without hope we cannot survive.


Gentian - When a disappointment in love has made us loose hope that we will ever love again. This essence will bolster our perseverance. Helps instil an optimistic attitude and moves forward the healing process.


Cherry Plum - When passion is repressed or kept secret it can create such emotional pressure that we can feel like we have become possessed or crazy or on the verge of hysteria.

used to treat the build up of excessive psychic pressure. resolves internal conflict. Allows you to open up to your own inner feelings, while letting go and surrendering to your higher path.


Star of Bethlehem - Used for unprocessed or unresolved trauma. This essence has a deep far reaching process of awakening the consciousness. It helps clear traumas from years ago not just in the  present. Helps comfort, neutralize old stuck emotions or energies. Restores the bodies self healing abilities. Awakens the personality and leads it back to its higher self.


Jasmin - Helps stimulate the divine spark in the heart chakra and helps development of self worth and mental clarity.

Strengthens the etheric body, which holds the energetic blueprint for the physical body. helps release congestion where there are blockages anywhere in the energetic system.


Also contains natural spring water from Chalice Well Avalon. The red spring has a healing and cleansing effect. it strongly iron containing and  strengthens the I am power. At the same time, the spring water literally brings everything into the flow and you can flow flexibly and let go of what no longer serves you.

This high vibrational water is also a symbol of the divine feminine aspect. Its a place where the veils are thin. It holds the presence of angels and devas and the energy that is woven here is not found in any other place on earth. 

The holy water of Avalon.


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