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Women's Circles

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A circle of women may be the most powerful force known to humanity.

If you have one, Embrace it. If you need one seek it. If you find one, for the love of all that is good and holy, dive in, hold on. Love it up. Get naked. Let them see you. Let them hold you.

Let your reluctant tears fall. Let yourself rise fierce and love gentle. you will be changed.

The very fabric of your being will be altered 

Jeanette LeBlanc

Heart Medicine Womens Circles

Sacred sister circles are held around each powerful seasonal transistion or portal that we encounter each year.


We start the Year with 

Spring Solstice - Ostara - March 

May Day - Beltane - May

Summer Solstice - Litha - June 

Autum Equinox - Mabon

Samhain - New Year October 

Winter Solstice - Yule - December 


In circle we connect also with plant medicine in the form of fresh leaf herbal teas depending on what season we are exploring and sitting with. 


These sacred sister heart medicine circles are a place where you can meet like-minded souls for a deeper connection with your feminine energy. A judgement free zone, where you can practice self-acceptance and acceptance of others. Everything discussed in the circle is private and confidential.


I have created these circles to allow women to come together in a safe and vulnerable place to be seen and heard. A place where you can be inspired and uplifted, a place where you are able to make sense of all the things in life a woman goes through and grows through. Thinking about the girl you once where, the women you are today and the women we are yet to become.


Some of the things included in each circle will range from Meditations, Journaling, Breathwork, Talking Circles, Self-Expressing, Embodiment movement, Hypnotherapy and Sound Therapy. Each circle is different and we explore different myths and themes to allow us to go deep with our psyche. 


Each Circle is held in a safe container with sacred rituals performed with candles, Incense, Crystals, Flowers, White Sage, Palo Santo and sound for the full healing experience.


Allowing you the space to take the time to step into who you really are and gather with like-minded souls.


The woman should search into her soul for her own potential and develop it, and she will have a beautiful future


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Women's Samhain Circle

Wednesday 30th October 6pm to 8.30pm 


We Journey with Clarissa Pinkola Estees Women who Run with Wolves


​This is a sacred space free of judgement, competition, expectation, pressure or noise. A sacred space void of the demands from the outside world, a space just for us, to go inwards, to reconnect, to return home to ourselves. A refuge of the feminine.​ Each circle we dive deep into different topics that maybe coming up for us as women. This circle is exploring self-love, what is self-love, what is looks like and how can we go deeper into our own self-love stories. ​We take time to Lisen to other females journeys with self-love and through them we generally see our own story or threads of it. ​All over the world, Women are remembering how to hold space for each other. All over the world, Women are beginning to gather in this way.If you are hearing the call, then you are being called to gather too.



​​Opening Circle


Activating Energy

Herbal tea ritual (loose leaf herbs and tinctures are selected for the energy we are wanting to work with)


Myth Exploration

Sharing circle

Group Hypnotherapy journey 

Sacred sounds 



Oracle cards

Closing Circle 


​This is a women's only circle event spaces are limited to keep the intimacy Everything shared in circle is highly confidential.

A contract is sent out before hand so you fully understand the conduct in cicle before attending.


Investment Exchange £35 ​


Please bring anything you feel you would like to bring to be comfortable and warm

A journal and pen for writing any reflections and inner work

Anything you would like to place on the alter in also welcome.

​Hot fresh herbal loose leaf teas are provided but you may want to bring your own water.​


To Book your space please

what's App 07538029364 or contact me through

my Instagram page @lesleyanneatthetreatmentroom



2024 Dates

19th June Litha Summer Solstice Ianna Myth - The Dark Goddess

30th October Samhain - Women who Run with the Wolves 

18th December Yule Winter Solstice - Meeting the Madwomen 


​2025 Dates

26th March Ostara - The Heronines Journey

30th April Beltane - Aphrodites Daughter ​​​​


I look forward to sitting in Circle with each Sister that is called 


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